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Access: Ferries to the Islington Bay causeway between Rangitoto Island and Motutapu Island, and to Home

Bay, Motutapu Island, leave the Downtown Ferry Terminal at 9.30 am Wednesday and Sunday and at

greater frequency during summer holidays ring Fullers Gulf Ferries (09) 367 9111 to check.


Length: 3.5 km — 3 hours return


Footwear: Walking shoes


The walk’s start is clearly signposted beside a cattlestop on the Rangitoto-Motutapu causeway. Track markers show the easiest route to Home Bay, though the whole island is open to walkers, except during lambing. The marked route follows the rolling contours of the eastern side of the island. It climbs to the island’s 120-metre trig, with panoramic views of the Hauraki Gulf, then descends to Home Bay. Alternatively walkers can take the ferry to Home Bay and start the walk there, finishing at Islington Bay.

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